T.C Boxes - $750 Tray Buy Back Deal!

No matter if you've got a piece of sh*t aluminium sheet or a new stock tray from the dealer, we're going to offer $750 to buy it off you! We're keen to get you steering around in a premium T.C Tray with all the bells and whistles and to do that, we're willing to take the first step... Ripping off that old one.
Our $750 Tray Buy Back Deal is on for the rest of October! Use our new tray install options on any Tray product page here and then before adding to your cart, simply click 'Yes' under 'Would you like us to install your tray?' and fill out the prompts.
If you have an old tray on your ute, you're viable for the 'Buy Back' option. All you need to do is have a new tray and an installation item in your cart, then you can use the coupon code: TBB750 for the $750 deal. Once your order is fulfilled, our customer service team will be in touch within 2 business days to book in your date! It's that easy!
Our Install dates up until Christmas are filling up in VIC and NSW so make sure you book in today!
Call 1300 TC BOXES and talk to our friendly team if you have hassles.